Playing Cards!

Deck 1

Purchase Deck 1 Above

Deck 2

Purchase Deck 2 Above
Flavor your Poker Night even more fun, or that game of Solitaire. Two separate decks of playing cards, each featuring fifty-four different images, totaling 108 unique images between the two decks, are now available from The Pinup Pursuit! Backs of cards feature pin-stripping art same as my purse, by DoctorD! Order online, or if you know us drop a line and we can bring a pack along when next we meet.

Growing up I had a deck of Doll Collector’s cards, each featuring a different image. That was by far my favorite deck for solitaire! We also had two decks of Jack Daniels Distillery cards, fun for Rummy with friends. Pinup and Pin-striping, I call these decks a winning combination. Enjoy!

There’s a fun game of fifty-two card pickup!

Purchase Deck 1 Above

Request which card(s) you want me to sign! Disclaimer: some cards are too dark and therefore not sign-able, but I will do my best to accommodate!

Purchase Deck 2 Above

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