We enjoyed weather in the eighties with a breeze to compliment the laid-back feel of this car show. We met some rad people and got some fun shots with hot cars. Many images in this post, enjoy!

Classy…I hear tell that the gentleman who owned my car twice removed had a visor on it once upon a time. Perhaps I will begin looking to make that happen once more….

Matt Martin and I had some fun playing in front of the cars.

Here is the same Cadillac, different angle, I shot with Jason of Out-Law photography two months ago at Midnight Mass. Keep your ear to the ground for more news coming from that direction!

Many car clubs were represented at the show. Since meeting the club members in Old Town Sac a few weeks ago who knew the previous owner of my car, I am considering to look into some honorary membership of a club…

This blue is so pretty.

I also love the glass etching.

Pageant contestants! Who won? Number 8, Sugar Bear, check out her extreme hourglass shape! Rare trait indeed.

I found this spiderweb irresistibly photographic.

Matt and I had a lot of fun. He makes me laugh. For a time, he carried a friend’s blue paper parasol, while other guys tried clowning on him, Matt took it in stride…for the most part. That’s entertainment!

This is back at Matt’s truck. He built this so hot I figured I could light my cig on it.

We like this perfect-shade-of-green ride. Or that’s why I liked it. I’m sure Matt’s choice in cars are more technical or mechanical or otherwise sophisticated than that.

Through-out the day I was asked by strangers to pose with their cars, what a delight!

The next car show we attend, I want to focus more on the people attending and back off of the time suck participating in pageants can be, with all their check-ins. Time is better spent shooting and networking.
Car shows are such fun, but with two children en tow they are also a lot of work! We met some nifty people. We invested time with some fabulous folks we are still getting to know. We have high hopes and better strategies for how to budget our time at these events. The vintage car community truly is an entertaining and worthwhile place to invest.

SmugMug green, Baby!

I bust a gut laughing every time I read this shirt. I had to include this in the post. Cannot stop smiling when I think about it, because it can be so true!

Just read the verbiage already in the picture.
Matt and AJ woke up at some 3:00 or 4:00 AM in order to make the drive from Grass Valley and park next to one another at the front of the show. Here are their cars. To see AJ’s sexy interior, there’s a glimpse from
Rumble in the Gold Country a few months back. We need to do a serious shoot with that fine piece of machinery. Here is an exterior shot, more images from this year’s
Billetproof are here. Cultivating friendships make these days worth all the effort.

The stress of the kids and the pageant, by the time it was all over and time to roll out I just needed to light it up. Twice.

At least I can light it up in style.
Speakeasy Photos
Hair: Danyelle “The Hair Maverick” Johnson
Where in the company of a male Model: Matt Martin
Dress: Authentic 1950s vintage procured on Etsy as a back-up dress when I shopped for Midnight Mass