Introducing creative mind and talent, Trevor Holmes
Did you notice something on my skin in the last post I published? That’s not something to be flaked off, and I did not get a tattoo. That is paint! Applied by the artist Trevor Holmes. Once upon a time, Trevor supported himself with his body paint art. He has ten years of experience, and all I can say to more encounters is a resounding yes, please! He has also been painting hot rods on canvas for fifteen years, among other canvas works for your viewing pleasure @HDAIRBRUSH. You may find shoes featuring Trevor’s spin on classic pinup girl sparrows. Trevor can often be found at local Northern California car events, check out the Pinstriper’s booth next time you attend show. Trevor and his seven and a half year old son are a team and have a clothing line, Pushrods & Pedal Cars. The clothing displays Trevor’s artwork. Regarding his son, Trevor declares “He’s my right hand man. He’s the real boss. He tells me what to paint.” Soon women’s clothing will also be available via Pushrods & Pedal Cars.

Trevor and I at Billetproof 2014. Check out the gas masks hanging in this truck, and remember them! They correlate to a planned shoot! Can you guess what it will be?
We met Trevor at the cemetery shoot we enjoyed with Matt some weeks ago. More images and stories from that day are coming at you this Fall/Winter! Trevor helped behind-the-scenes, showed us his work, and proved a formidable artist with whom to enjoy a flow of ideas. Trevor is a pleasure to work with and otherwise have around. Keep your eye out for more of his work soon to be released right here by yours truly. This will not be the last you hear of Trevor Holmes via The Pinup Pursuit.

Trevor and I could totally jam to Lindsey Stirling’s Thrift Shop, he is as much of a collector of found things as I.
Speakeasy Photos
MUAH: Danyelle “The Hair Maverick” Johnson
Artist Trevor Holmes