Vampire and Prey


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Shane and I enjoy Blues Fusion dancing weekly, and recently spent an entire weekend at a Justin Riley workshop. Icing on the cake at the end of it all: a social dance involving costumes! I love dress up: Vampire and his Prey. What do I love about Blues Fusion? Enjoying a beautiful, at times exciting and surprising conversation without a spoken word. Three minutes in time, and together a song is interpreted in kinisthetic motion. Something about that is satisfying, and yet addicting. No dance is ever the same, for in no given moment are two people ever the same. To dance well demands utter presence. Show up, spend some time with yourself, and walk away with healing or a deeper knowing. Whoever said. “life is beautiful” danced to music.

Dare You to Dance With Me?

Why of Course.

The Mad Hatter is Willing, but He Would Be, Wouldn’t He?

Much Gratitude For These Dances and Experiences With Connection.