Niche in the Woods
Shane and I recently created Model Mayhem accounts, and experienced our first successful contact with a local photographer, Sam Nesbitt. This project excited me from the start with his initial statements of intentions for a shoot with his father’s World War Two Army Air Corps uniform. We headed to the hills, and I reveled to participate for the first time in a shoot that was not my brain child nor my efforts to tell a story. This was Sam‘s scene and concept, and all I had to do is show up and pose, a fun change in pace right when I was feeling discouraged that personal budget cuts were going to shave off the amount of work we are able to produce for this blog. Meeting Sam is a brilliant new adventure on this journey, and I look forward to broadening my scope as we work with this fellow Creative Mind and Engineer. Collaboration is genius!

M1 Garand
I did bring along three of my own props to add to the scene: a borrowed M1 Garand authentic to the era of the uniform, an over coat also authentic to the era, though belonging to a WAAC, and a real WWII helmet I picked up at the Sacramento Antique Faire months ago.

Chilly Winter

What you say? Join the team? Spare riffle waiting to be picked up
All images courtesy Samuel Nesbitt
Hair by Danyelle “The Hair Maverick” Johnson