Your grieving process is unique. In no particular order, at some point the experiences are: isolation or denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Remember, we grieve not only relationships with other humans and mammals, but also personal loss of physical ability on account of disease or injury, as well as loss of roles and occupation, or even expectations in time of life. Where are you in whatever grieves your soul today?
Continued from Lost Love

Anger is a very real stage of grief.

Sorrow is not limited to separation by death.

Losses in life can motivate all kinds of behavior.

The pain does not leave.

Oh How Loss Hurts

You’re in the driver’s seat. Carry that love with you. May it grant strength and hope to love again.
More Lost Love
Speakeasy Photos
MUAH: Danyelle “The Hair Maverick” Johnson
Car: 1955 Hudson Wasp owned by Matt Martin